Take random pictures of ourselves until the take off

If you have a fetish for feet here's a gift for you ...

Shopping in Milan : Ruby GAGA
Attend FASHION CAMP 2011 for our little conference ;)

Put Shampa Stickers ALL OVER Milan ...

Draw on Tshirts ( thanks to Quicksilver )

Take pictures at the supermarket with a pretty clear inside joke :
Take pics at 6am @Milan's train station
Look Fabulous for the Luisa via Roma Bloggers Party @Museo La Specola in Florence
Take a picture with Henry Holland who was spinning that night at the party and tell him that I got 2 of his tshirts : UH UH GARETH PUGH & FUCK ME IN THE PARK MARK
Write a lot of stuff on my TL 180 Lavagna clutch
Stricke Poses
Dancing Fashionably drunken ;)

3 commenti:
siete troppo forti!!!
la barbe à papa
fu yao .. xiao ?! mi sfugge il terzo carattere
(haha come non avere niente da fare)
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