Rick Owens originally custom-designed most of the furniture for his own
use in his Paris headquarters. The creations he has designed, are very similar to his clothes : sculptural, strong - with asymmetrical shapes and lots of black, but in the furnitures he has added a monolithic look.
Totally lovin how he put his own nu-goth aesthetic into these interior design objects!
Bootylicious as usual, Beyonce in February's GQ shows us plenty of skin and toned abs, revealing her amazing body after not even 1 year from her pregnancy. Mrs Carter was photographed by Terry Richardson wearing nothing but a cute underwear, Brooklyn Nets hat, a silky white robe, crop sport tees, thick gold chains, and Calvin Klein's men's underwear.
Baggy seems to be back in style, with a vengeance!
I'm currently having mixed feelings about it. Baggy leather trousers do feel kind of awesome tho, way more than jeans. The baggy trousers/heels combo scares the shit out me, it reminds me A LOT of some fashion mistakes I made in my late teen years I'm no longer keen to repeat!
I can feel temptation calling me, can't tell now if I'll indulge in it, or not.
It's almoust a V.I.P.I. (Very Importan Personal Issue) for me, I just remember I talked about this same very topic before... here
Il ritorno del pantalone largo, la vendetta!
Ho sentimenti contrastanti verso questo fenomeno. C'è da dire che il baggy di pelle è sicuramente meglio del jeans. In particolare la combo baggy/tacco mi fa paurissima, mi ricorda certe discutibili scelte che ho fatto in fase post adolescienziale che non sono per niente ansionsa di ripetere.
Sento forte il richiamo della tentazione, chissà se mi ci abbandonerò o meno.
Sento che l'argomento mi scuote dal profondo, è praticamente una V.I.P.I. (Very Importan Personal Issue)!
Mi sovviene infatti di averne già parlato un bel pò di tempo fa... qui
Grimes and her frequent-hair-changes are lovely as usual, she has been modeling for Iris van Herpen's ready to wear collection launch which is supposed to be kind of a big thing .... but I have to say that Im not impressed by these pics/styling. Dresses are still pretty cool, but I would have expected something more from this campaign.
Arachne, in Greco-Roman mythology, was a young woman gifted in the art of weaving who proclamed that Athena herself could not do better than her.
Athena was quite perturbed at Arachne's claim, but she decided to
give the young woman a chance to redeem herself. She came to Arachne
disguised as an old woman and warned her to be careful not to offend the
gods, but Arachne told the old woman to
save her breath. She welcomed a contest with Athena, and, if she lost,
would suffer whatever punishment the goddess deemed necessary.
The goddess accepted the challenge and revealed her true form.
Arachne, for her part, created a tapestry showcasing scenes of Zeus various infidelities: Leda with the Swan, Europa with the bull, Dana
and the golden rain shower. So exquisite was the mortal's work that the
bull seemed lifelike, swimming across the tapestry with a real girl on
his shoulders. Even Athena herself was forced to admit that Arachne's
work was flawless. (Whether or not Arachne was actually better than
Athena is still a mystery.)
Angered at Arachne's challenge, as well as the presumptuousness of her
choice of subjects, Athena tore the tapestry to pieces and destroyed the
loom. Then she touched Arachne's forehead, making sure that she felt
full guilt for her actions. Arachne was ashamed, but the guilt was far
too deep for her poor, mortal mind. Depressed, she hanged herself.
Athena took pity on Arachne. She most likely did not expect that Arachne would commit suicide. She brought her back to life and transformed the woman into a spider, her and her descendants.
Romeo+Juliet by Baz Luhrmann is an iconic movie from '96.
Please stop for a second and imagine myself, 13 years old, going to the movies with my bestfriend to whatch it.
What I found overwhelming and appealing as a teenager when I first saw it ( apart from Leo di Caprio, ha!) was the complete visual experience. And I still do. Lighting, setting and costumes are amazing.
Neons, candels, angels, guns, sacred hearts print tropical shirts, empty beaches at dawn. Falling in love trough an aquarium.
Soundtrack was genius too.
Romeo+Juliet diretto da Baz Luhrmann è un film icona del '96.
Spendete un minuto ad immaginare me, a 13 anni, che vado al cinema di pomeriggio con la mia migliore amica.
una ragazzina, ma quello che ho trovato allora veramente affascinante e
che tuttora mi fa effetto, (oltre a Leonardo Di Caprio, ovviamente) è stato l'impatto visivo del film . Fotografia, scenografia e costumi sono incredibili.
al neon, candele, madonne e angeli, camicie hawaiane con stampati grossi
Sacro Cuore, pistole, spiagge deserte all'alba. Innamorarsi attraverso un acquario di pesci.